Commentary on the First Quarter 2009.

Events unfolding within financial services and its implications on the company I work for and myself, sought of, kept me occupied. This period was quite happening though for India from both national and international perspectives. Most of these events evoked very strong and mixed reactions from the Indians with emotions ranging from awe to aversion and antipathy leading to very interesting debates. This post is more in the nature of commentary and my stand on some of the events. Not that my position is of any consequence or matters to anyone but could be read as views of the common man. Let me quickly capture some of the epochal events. I begin with the positives. The opening of Taj, Mumbai for business on 6th Jan was a triumph of good over evil. The intensity of damage it had suffered and the quick rebound is a great testimony of our determination and only reinforces the belief that bad times don’t last. Unfortunately, it's five months since 26/11 and the trial has only just beg...