
Showing posts from 2011

We don’t remember days, we remember moments !

We don’t remember days, we remember moments – Pavese, Cesare ( 1908-1950), Italian, Poet, Critic, Novelist, and Translator 2011 had many such moments. Beginning of the year, I commented upon the start of the new decade bringing new promises along with it. Even though, in general, 2011 was a very tough year, especially for people connected with the finance world, I still hold on to my earlier comment. Each year when we look back and evaluate, we end up looking at our failures, at things that turned out contrary to our expectations or liking. And what that inferno of thought does, is further depresses us, building a kind of negative spiral, which engulfs and ends up strangulating us. Unless one makes a conscious attempt to stay positive, it’s very difficult to remain so given the surrounding ecosystem is so much volatile and uncertain. The coming decade will be a decade with ‘new normal’ - the earlier extreme / tail positions becoming the norm of the day. So let me sit back, relax a...

The Silent Indian National Anthem


Start of the New Decade 2011-2020

It's not only the end of the year but also the end of the decade. 2000-2010 will be remembered as one of the decades where India underwent transformatory changes. The good part is that we all got an opportunity to lead and manage it while it's still mild. The next decade will be much more virulent. Well, this decade (2011-2020) will differentiate winners and losers at every stage. It will be much less tolerant. Mediocrity will have no place and will be much severely punished than the treatment it got so far. So tighten your seat belts, or should I say wear your space suits, the journey will be tough and exciting, certainly eventful.   So how does one prepare for it? I believe that being 'agile' and 'adaptive' will be the two most important qualities, that will allow you to succeed and survive the next decade. Well, doesn't it sound deja-vu, very Darwinian :-). I also believe that all those who will choose to be constantly in 'learning' mode will ref...